Real-time data based on Social-Mapping
Data collecting by Crowd-sourcing

How to Make a Barrier-Free Map?
LBStech collects various data for the convenience of movement for the visually impaired and wheelchair users.
We construct barrier-free maps by making projects with KORDI and KEAD.
With SK happiness organization, we improve our walkway navigation by user experience data.
These projects support the users' safe moving.

ESG Activity
For Barrier-Free Map
We aim to construct barrier-free city with collaboration with many institutions. This is data collecting activity to improve PWDs' walking environment.

CSR Activity
With Public Institutions
The collected data is used for providing navigation for wheelchair users. Volunteers in many companies collect the data by using our service.

Job Creation
With Senior Club
This activity is collaboration with KORDI for barrier-free job creation of elderly. The collected data is used for making barrier-free map.
Create a New Standard For Smart City
By Changing Last Mile

We will establish the standard of K-Smart City by realizing barrier-free service to improve their convenience and accessibility in daily life.